Joint Research Projects

Joint Research Projects are conducted by ILCAA, the funding institute for the LingDy3 project. We propose joint research projects including members outside ILCAA as joint researchers. The joint researchers are appointed as per the application. For the details of each meetings, please see “Research Meetings and Symposia”.
Studies on Mongolic languages in Hexi corridor based on published material (2015.04-2017.03)
The Case-marking Systems in Ryukyuan: A Typological Survey (2015.04-2018.03)
Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary (2014.04-2017.03)
Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia (2014.04-2017.03)
Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages (2013.04-2016.03)
A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach (2013.04-2016.03)
Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar (2013.04-2016.03)