Date:2017.02.18[Sat]- 02.19[Sun]
International Symposium: “Archiving Tibetan Pastoralists’ Present Time”

*This event has already been held.
International symposium “Archiving Tibetan Pastoralists’ Present Time” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet” The 8th meeting
18 February, 2017 (Sat.) 13:00–18:00
19 February, 2017 (Sun.) 13:00–17:00
Room 304, ILCAA, TUFS
18 February (Sat.)
Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
“Introduction: Archiving Tibetan Pastoralists’ ‘Present Time'”
“Transition of yak grazing under the new rangeland policy”
Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
“Milk culture in Amdo Tibetan pastoralist”
Namthargyel (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture)
“Terminology, Variation and Application of Yak Dung in Contemporary Pastoral Amdo Tibetan Society, A Case in Zeku City”
Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
“Growth of the Land Price in the Grassland?: The Yartsa Gumbu’s Bubble-Economy and Land Investment Activities in Golok Region of Amdo”
Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow)
“Livestock are wealth”
“Making a dictionary of Tibetan pastoral culture”
All members: General discussion
Commentators: Jiro TANASE (The University of Shiga Prefecture), Ai NISHIDA (Kobe City University of Foreing Studies)
19 February (Sun.)
Zhabu (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai Normal University)
“Oral literature from Tibetan Nomad”
Nyangchak Gyal (GANGLHA)
“Sustainable Tibetan Communities: Local Initiatives on Social Entrepreneurship for Community Development”
Khasham Gyal (AMILOLO FILM)
“Nomad on the Screen–Reflections of making an ethnographic film about nomad in Amdo, Tibet”
All members: General discussion
Commentators: Daisue MURAKAMI (Surugadai University), Hiroshi NEMOTO (Hiroshima University)
Japanese and Tibetan (with consective interpretation)
No pre-registration is required.
Jointly Organized by
- ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”
- Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Compilation of an ethnographic dictionary of Tibetan nomadic vocabulary based on the study of Tibetan nomads’ wisdom of living” (Principal Investigator: Izumi Hoshi (ILCAA), Grant Number 15H03203)