Language Documentation

We organize events for language documentation as shown below.
Event already held
Date:2020.02.07[Fri]- 02.15[Sat]
Language documentation and revitalization workshop: Interdisciplinary approach – Phrase 2: Passing on and renewing our heritage
Event already held
Workshop on the current state of heritage language and culture and their relationship to the value and identity of the community (Yoron)
Event already held
Date:2019.10.22[Tue]- 10.23[Wed]
Workshop on the current state of heritage language and culture and their relationship to the value and identity of the community (Okinoerabu)
Event already held
Date:2019.10.07[Mon]- 10.09[Wed]
Workshop on documentation of indigenous languages in the NTT Province, Indonesia
Event already held
Date:2019.08.19[Mon]- 08.26[Mon]
Language documentation and revitalization workshop: “Interdisciplinary approach – Phrase 2: Passing on and renewing our heritage”
Event already held
Date:2019.08.16[Fri]- 08.22[Thu]
Workshop on languages in the State of Sabah, Malaysia
Event already held
Date:2019.06.29[Sat]- 07.05[Fri]
Language documentation and revitalization workshop: “Interdisciplinary approach”
Event already held
Date:2019.06.25[Tue]- 07.01[Mon]
Seminar on documentation of indigenous languages in the NTT Province, Indonesia
Event already held
Date:2018.11.01[Thu]- 11.03[Sat]
Workshop on documentation of indigenous languages in the NTT Province, Indonesia
Event already held
Date:2018.08.13[Mon]- 08.17[Fri]
Workshop on languages spoken in Sabah state, Malaysia