Sawada’s Roman Transliteration System for Burmese Script

Source: Online Resources Catalogue, the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
The document on the Roman transliteration system for Burmese script was developed by linguist/grammatologist Hideo SAWADA (the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies). This is a transliteration system of Burmese script using This is a transliteration system of Burmese script invented by Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) using characters in the Basic Latin plane of Unicode, originally designed for transcribing texts written in Burmese script only. The system is based to some extent on the Burmese table in ALA-LC Romanization Tables (1997 Edition), differing in the notations for some characters and symbols, and the ordering of co-occurring sub-consonant letters.
As it is a transliteration, the user must be acquainted with the pronunciation rules of the Burmese script to obtain the pronunciation. Another point to note is that the system is not necessarily suitable for notating Burmese texts themselves, or Burmese forms within texts in other languages in publications.