
Joint Research Projects

Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1) (2016.04-2019.03)


About the Project

Project term: 2016.04–2019.03

One of the most important topics in Bantu language studies in the last decade has been microvariation. In this project, researchers in Bantu language descriptive studies (mainly Japanese Bantuists) first reorganize their research outputs according to the new framework, i.e., by parameters proposed in studies of microvariation and also develop our discussion on the languages of the study. Second, the project will make our research outputs available to many Bantuists worldwide, enabling us to join the discussion to propose new analysis parameters in cooperation with overseas Bantuists.

Yuko ABE, Project Coordinator (Associate Professor, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University)

For details, please see here.
