Field Linguistics Workshop “Presentations of Master’s Theses on Field Linguistics” (Call for presenters; deadline: 2024-02-15 Thu.)

*Submissions are now closed.
We will hold a joint master’s thesis presentation session online for master’s thesis submitters considering pursuing a career as a researcher, aiming to provide exchange, networking, and research support among researchers across university boundaries. We look forward to receiving applications from those who meet the presentation qualifications.
*Please see the attached application guidelines here for details. (only available in Japanese, sorry)
15 March, 2024 (Fri.), 13:00–16:00
Online meeting via Zoom
Entry Qualifications
Graduate students who submitted a master thesis of descriptive linguistic study or related research area in AY 2023–2024
Please fill out the application form (in Japanese) by 12:00 p.m. (JST), 15 February, 2024 (Thu.). (Application will be closed as soon as the workshop reaches its capacity.)
*Submissions are now closed.
Presentation Format
Participants are required to prepare a poster in PowerPoint (or other equivalent tool such as Keynote) and give a 5-minute overview of their master’s thesis. Guidelines for poster preparation will be sent to participants later.
Organized by
- Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
General Inquiries
E-mail: dddling-office[at] (Please replace [at] with @)
(Posted 22 January, 2024)
(Updated 25 February, 2024)