ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics” The 5th meeting

Daisuke Shinagawa and Keita Kurabe, members of DDDLing Project, made oral presentations at ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics” The 5th meeting, held online on 23–24 July, 2022 (Sat.–Sun.).
23 July (Sat.)
- Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA), Junko KOMORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
“System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Bantu” - Keita KURABE (ILCAA), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Fellow), Kazue IWASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies), Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo), Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
“Crop terms in Tibeto-Burman”
(Posted 13 July, 2022)
(Updated 22 August, 2022)