Past Projects - LingDy

Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)

LingDy is a strategic project of ILCAA that endeavors to build an international collaborative research framework that supports and advances research on linguistic diversity and endangered languages. It was launched in 2008 as a five year project under the financial support from MEXT.

The goal of this project is twofold:

  • To invigorate and systematize the documentation research of under-studied languages;
  • To advance the research on the nature of the structural diversity among languages and on the complex dynamics (involving cognitive, socio-cultural,historical, and pragmatic forces) that shape the structural diversity.

The activities of the project include the following:

  • Promotion of advanced research on linguistic diversity;
  • Construction of infrastructure supporting international research collaboration;
  • Construction of environment for sharing research material;
  • Construction of network of young descriptive linguists