Past Projects

LingDy (2008.04₋2013.03)
The LingDy project was launched to encourage research on the documentation of linguistic diversity (Language Description & Documentation) and to advance research on language as dynamic phenomena and systems (Linguistic Dynamics Science).
LingDy2 (2013.04₋2016.03)
LingDy2, which was launched in succession to LingDy, is a strategic project of ILCAA that aims to (1) advance and support the documentation and conservation of endangered and under-studied languages and (2) advance the research on the nature of structural diversities among human languages and on the complex dynamics that shape the linguistic structure.
Documentary Linguistics Workshop (DocLing) was a one-week workshop held annually from 2008 to 2016 that focused on the documentation of endangered languages. We have invited leading scholars in documentation linguistics as our lecturers, such as Peter Austin and David Nathan, and held lectures on the theory and implementation of language documentation to junior scholars in the field of descriptive linguistics in Japan.
The synopsis of the DocLing workshops is summarized in Asian and African Languages and Linguistics (AALL) Vol. 11.