Date:2017.04.15[Sat]- 04.22[Sat]
TUFS Cinema Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films commemorating the release of “The River”

*This event has already been held.
This spring will be the first screening of Tibetan director Sonthar Gyal’s “River” in Japan. To mark the event, we will be screening several masterpieces of Tibetan film. Along with Sonthar Gyal’s debut work, “The Sun-Beaten Path”, as well as “The Search” and “Old Dog” (2011 Tokyo Filmex grand prize winner) directed by Pema Tseden, another Tibetan director who has been active on the international stage before Sonthar Gyal, we will be screening the documentary film “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”, which has gained high esteem in ‘Wisdom and Works of Tibetan Pastoralists’. All are valuable works which are rarely screened in Japan. We urge you to take the opportunity to view these films and gain a deep understanding of Tibetan culture.
15 April, 2017 (Sat.) 12:30–17:00 (12:00 open)
22 April, 2017 (Sat.) 12:30–17:00 (12:00 open)
The Agora Global building “Prometheus Hall” at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
15 April (Sat.), 2017 / 12:00 Open 12:30 Start
- 12:30–
“The Search” Directed by Pema Tseden (w/ Japanese and English subtitles) - 14:30–
Public talk: ‘Leaders in Tibetan Film: Pema Tseden and Sonthar Gyal’
Shozo ICHIYAMA (Producer / TOKYO FILMeX Program Director) and Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
Chairperson: Miyuki TAKEI (Representative for film distribution company Movieola) - 15:30–
“Old Dog” Directed by Pema Tseden (w/ Japanese, English and Chinese subtitles)
22 April (Sat.), 2017 / 12:00 Open 12:30 Start
- 12:30–
“A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists” Directed by Khashem Gyal (w/ Japanese subtitles) - 14:15–
Public talk: ‘Life in Northeast Tibet and the World of Sonthar Gyal’
Junko MIURA (Translator) and Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
Chairperson: Miyuki TAKEI (Representative for film distribution company Movieola) - 15:30–
“The Sun Beaten Path” Directed by Sonthar Gyal (w/ English and Japanese subtitles)
No pre-registration is required. Seated by order of arrival: 501 seats.
Co-organized by
With the cooperation of
Director Sonthar Gyal, Director Pema Tseden, Director Khashem Gyal, Tokyo FILMeX, The Fukuoka City Public Library